• Curriculum Vitae

Lama L. Tolaymat, MD, MPH, FACOG



Lama L. Tolaymat, MD, MPH, FACOG
Sunshine Perinatology
Current Position
President and Medical Director Sunshine Perinatology
Office Phone
Davenport: (863) 852-1050 | Orlando: (407) 378-5970
Davenport Clinic
2400 North Blvd West. Suite C, Davenport, FL 33837
Orlando Clinic
7421 Conroy Windermere Road, Orlando, FL 32835
Fluent in English and Arabic. Complementary Spanish.


Jacksonville University, Jacksonville, Florida
8/87- 05/91
Degree: B.S. Majors: Biology and Chemistry
Minor: Mathematics
Medical School
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
Degree: M.D.
University of Florida at Sacred Heart Hospital
Chairman: Jorge Blanco
Epidemiology &
University of Miami
Public Health
Degree: Master in Public Health
8/99- 12/01
Jackson Memorial Hospital
Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Director: Mary Jo O’Sullivan


Florida Issued: ME 0072830


June1993, # 4-018-214-9
September 1994, # 4-018-214-9
December 1997, # 4-018-214-9
RDMS certification
since Jan 2002
since December 2004
since April 2006


Advent Hospital Orlando, Orlando, FL 4/22/2015 to present
Winnie Palmer for Women and Babies, Orlando, FL 7/1/2015 to present

Previous TEACHING ENDEAVORS at the University of Florida, Jacksonville:

Standardization of ultrasound training, group learning for OB/GYN residents since 2008-2009

Perform certifications for the OB/GYN residents in performing first trimester dating scans, cervical length and amniocentesis.

Series of Hands-on Ultrasound training for the residents 2006-2008

A series of hands-on ultrasound training for the residents with a two-hour block every other month to work with them performing ultrasounds and perfecting their skills.

Ultrasound Curriculum for OB/GYN residency 2005-2006

A web-based ultrasound curriculum for the OB/GYN residents to allow them the resources (images, video clips, articles, and textbook chapters) to learn more about prenatal diagnosis.

Master Educator Fellowship program

At the University of Florida, which is an 18-month program that consists of didactic study and practical application in areas of medical education. These areas are considered necessary to develop a substantial level of scholarship in the field of medical education specifically: methods of instruction and evaluation, education leadership and mentorship and educational research. During that program, I designed a web-based ultrasound curriculum for the OB/GYN residents and was able to launch it for the academic year of 2005-2006.

Berlex Junior Faculty Development Workshop

A week-long intensive workshop concentrating on epidemiology, clinical trial design, statistical analysis, and skills necessary for publication in the peer-reviewed literature. The objective of the program was to refine participants’ understanding of the research and publication process, assist them in their own research efforts, and enhance their teaching skills. The workshop includes didactic presentations, study groups, and hands-on exercises with computer analysis programs.


Work History

Sunshine Perinatology 08/03/2014 to present

Kindbody 7, 2021 to present

Advent Hospital Medical Group, Maitland FL 07/01/2012 to 08/03/2014

University of Florida, Jacksonville, FL 07/15/2004 to 06/30/2012

Current Hospital Appointments

Celebration Health, Kissimmee, FL

Adventhealth Orlando, Orlando, FL

Winnie Palmer for Women and Children, Orlando, FL

Winter Park Memorial Hospital, Winter Park, FL

Teaching/University Appointments

Director of Ultrasound and Prenatal Diagnosis. Assistant Professor. Obstetrics and Gynecology. University of Florida, Jacksonville, FL 07/2004-06/2012

Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL 08/2002-05/2004

Previous hospital appointments

Attending Physician, Shands Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL. 06/2004-06/2012

Staff Physician in Maternal Fetal Medicine, Baptist Medical Center, Jacksonville, FL. 09/2006-6/2012

Courtesy Staff Physician in Maternal Fetal Medicine, Memorial Hospital Jacksonville, FL. 09/2004-6/2012

Courtesy Staff Physician in Maternal Fetal Medicine, Orange Park Medical Center, Jacksonville, FL. 09/2004-6/2012

Attending Physician, Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, FL 08/2002-05/2004

Attending Physician, Mount Sinai Medical Center, Miami Beach, FL 04/2003-04/2004


Books, Contributor of Chapter(s)
  1. Tolaymat L, Grabner G. Role of Imaging Modalities in Obstetric Emergencies. In Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, editors. Handbook of Obstetric and Gynecologic Emergencies, 4th
  1. Tolaymat L, Kaunitz, A. Contraceptive Methods. In: Robert E. Rakel, MD and Edward T. Bope, MD, editors. Conn’s Current Therapy 2008. Philladelphia (PA): Sanders/Elsevier; 2008 p 746-8.
  1. Tolaymat L, Kaunitz A. Contraceptive Methods. In: Robert E. Rakel, MD and Edward T. Bope, MD, editors. Conn’s Current Therapy 2007. Philladelphia (PA): Sanders/Elsevier; 2007 p 882-885.
  1. Tolaymat L, Kaunitz A. Contraception. In: Robert E. Rakel, MD and Edward T. Bope, MD, editors. Conn’s Current Therapy 2006. Philladelphia (PA): Sanders/Elsevier; 2006 p 1328-1331.
Refereed Publications
  1. Tolaymat L, Kaunitz A. Use of Hormonal Contraception in Adolescents: Skeletal Health Issues. Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology October 2009, 21:396-460.
  1. Tolaymat L L, Kaunitz AM. Long-acting contraceptives in adolescents. Current opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007, 19:453-460.
  1. Tolaymat L, Gonzalez-Quinter VH, Sanchez-Ramos L, Kaunitz A, Wludyka P, Martin D, O’Sullivan MJ. Cervical length at term as a predictor of spontaneous labor. Journal of Perinatoloy. J Perinatol. 2007 Dec;27(12):749-53.
  2. Gonzalez-Quintero VH, Tolaymat L, Luke B, Gonzalez-Garcia A, Duthely L, O’Sullivan MJ, Martin D. Outcome of Pregnancies Among Hispanics. Revisiting the Epidemiologic Paradox. Journal of Reproductive Medicine 2006;51(1):10-14.
  1. Gonzalez-Quintero VH, Katz D, Pandya-Smith I, Tolaymat L, O’Sullivan MJ. Assessing Perinatal Hepatitis B Screening and Neonatal Prophylaxis in a large, Multiethnic county. Journal of Reproductive Medicine 2006;51(2):101-108.
  1. Gonzalez-Quintero VH, Tolaymat L, Canache Muller A, Izquierdo L, O’Sullivan MJ, Martin D. Outcomes of Pregnancies With Sonographically Detected Nuchal Cords Remote From Delivery. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 2004 (23(1):43-47.
  1. Gonzalez-Quintero VH, Tolaymat L, Martin D, Romaguera R, Guillaume JM, Izquierdo LA. Sonographic Diagnosis of caudal regression in the first trimester of pregnancy. Journal of Ultrasound Medicine 2002;21(10):1175-1178.
  1. McEvoy C, Bowling S, Williamson K, Lozano D, Tolaymat L, Izquierdo L, Maher J, Helfgott A. The effects of a single remote course versus weekly courses of antenatal corticosteroids on functional residual capacity in preterm infants: a randomized trial. Pediatrics 2002;110(2):280-4.
  1. Izquierdo LA, Gonzalez-Quintero VH, Martin D, Tolaymat L. In utero demonstration of aberrant systemic blood supply in lung sequestration. Bol Asoc Med P R. 2001 Jan-Dec;93(1-12):32-4.
  1. Izquierdo LA, Gonzalez-Quintero VH, Martin D, Tolaymat L. Prenatal diagnosis of extra lobar lung sequestration. Bol Asoc Med P R. 2001 Jan-Dec;93(1-12):32-4.
  1. Gonzalez-Quintero V, Horstman L, Jy W, Tolaymat L, Jiménez J, Bidot C, O’Sullivan M, Ahn Y. Elevated endotelial microparticles in preeclampsia. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2001;185(6):S75-S75 (Abstract 14)
  1. McEvoy C, Bowling S, Williamson K, Collins, Tolaymat L, Maher J. Timing of antenatal corticosteroids and neonatal pulmonary mechanics. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 2000;183(4):895-9
  1. Tolaymat LL, Brown TL, Maher JE, Horan CA, Green BA, Ripps BA. Reproductive potential after methotrexate treatment of ectopic gestation in a community hospital. Journal of Reproductive Medicine.1999;44(4):335-8.
  1. Maher JE, Kleinman GE, Lile W, Tolaymat L, Steele D, Bernard J. The construction and utility of an amniocentesis trainer. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology.1998;179(5):1225-7.
  1. Tolaymat LL, Maher JE, Kleinman GE, Stalnaker R, Kea K, Walker A. Persistent patent urachus with allantoic cyst: a case report. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology.1997;10(5):366-8.


  1. Putting Patients First, Lama Tolaymat, MD; Orlando Style Magazine, December 2015, p 68.
  1. Elite Doctors 2016. Lama Tolaymat, MD, MPH, FACOG at Sunshine Perinatology. Orlando Style Magazine. July 2016; p78-79.
  1. Twin Pregnancy – Beyonce. Elite Daily; April 7, 2017
  1. Beyonce Pregnancy- Digital Music News; April 2017
  1. Twin Pregnancy- Didomex Entertainment; May 2017
  1. Twin Pregnancy- Delivery; Elite Daily; June 20, 2017
  1. Sunshine Perinatology; Orlando Style Magazine. July11, 2017. p
  1. Top Physician for Women 2017; Orlando Family Magazine. July, 2017

Invited Speaker International

  1. “Ultrasound and Prentatal Diagnosis in Perinatology”. Hotel Dieu, Paris, France. October 2011.
  1. “Current advances in Ultrasound in Perinatology”. Bumrungrad International Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand, July 2008.
  1. “Management of diabetes in Pregnancy”. Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital, Tai Po, Hong Kong, May 2006.
  1. “Pregnancy induced hypertension”. National Arab American Medical Association 18th Annual Convention (Aleppo, Syria). June 2001

Invited Speaker National

  1. Prenatal Screening for Aneuploidy. Kern Medical Center. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Grand Rounds. Bakersfield, CA. January 2009.

Invited Speaker Regional

  1. Zika Virus and Pregnancy; Florida Hospital for Women Grand Rounds, March 2016.
  1. The advances in first trimester prenatal screening for aneuploidy. The Southeastern Obstetrical and Gynecological Society. 56th Annual Meeting. Amelia Island, Florida. April 2009.
  1. 3D/4D Ultrasound – optimizing the yield in clinical diagnosis. The Southeastern Obstetrical and Gynecological Society. 56th Annual Meeting. Amelia Island, Florida. April 2009.
  1. Diagnostic techniques of ultrasound in pregnancy. Florida Obstetrical and Gynecological Society (FOGS). Annual Meeting. Orlando Ritz Grande Lakes, Orlando Florida. July 2005.
  1. Ultrasound Workshop, “Oversight and guidance of ultrasound on live pregnant models”. Florida Obstetrical and Gynecological Society (FOGS). Annual Meeting. Orlando Ritz Grande Lakes, Orlando, Florida. July 2005.
  1. Beyond the Bishop Score. University of Miami, OB/GYN Grand Rounds. Miami, Florida. March 2002.

Invited Speaker Local

  1. Progesterone and prevention of preterm birth. Naval Hospital Jacksonville, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. November 25, 2008.
  1. Hypertension in Pregnancy. Naval Hospital Jacksonville, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. April 24, 2007.
  1. Management of gestational diabetes. Naval Hospital Jacksonville, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. October, 2006
  1. Pregestational Diabetes in Pregnancy. Naval Hospital Jacksonville, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. September 2006
  1. Diabetes in Pregnancy. Duval Public Health, United Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners, Jacksonville, FL. August 2006
  1. First Trimester Screening. Naval Hospital Jacksonville, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jacksonville. March 2006
  1. Intrauterine growth restriction: Diagnosis and management. Department of OB/GYN, University of Florida Health Science Center/Jacksonville, Ultrasound Journal Club. January 2006
  1. First trimester testing. Naval Hospital Jacksonville, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jacksonville. November 2005
  1. Ultrasound Techniques, First trimester ultrasound. Duval Public Health, United Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners, Jacksonville, FL. June 2005
  1. High Risk/Multifetal Pregnancy. University of Florida Health Science Center/Jacksonville, Department of Radiology. January 2005
  1. Cervical length in pregnancy after a LEEP procedure. Department of OB/GYN, University of Florida Health Science Center/Jacksonville, Ultrasound Journal Club. September 2004
  1. High Risk/Multifetal Pregnancy. University of Florida Health Science Center/Jacksonville, Department of Radiology. 1/28/05
  1. Preconception Counseling. Department of Community Health and Family Medicine, Family Practice Residents, University of Florida Health Science Center/Jacksonville. September 2004
  1. The Use of Nasal Bone for Down Syndrome Screening. Department of OB/GYN, University of Florida Health Science Center/Jacksonville, Ultrasound Journal Club. August 2004

International Conferences: Refereed Oral Presentations

  • Nasal bone in the first trimester for the prediction of Down syndrome. International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetric and Gynecology (ISUOG) annual meeting. Chicago, IL 2008. Selected as the Best Oral Poster in its Category.
  • The diagnostic value of 3XI in the assessment of ventricular septal defects. International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetric and Gynecology (ISUOG) annual meeting. Chicago, IL 2008.

National Conferences: Refereed Oral Presentations

  • Tolaymat L, Gonzalez-Quintero VH, O’Sullivan M, Martin D. Transvaginal ultrasound and digital exam; Does the operator gender matter?ACOG District IV annual meeting. Key Biscayne, Florida. October 2002.
  • Tolaymat L, Gonzalez-Quintero VH, Rich M*, Tolaymat S*, Beydoun S. Morbidity of unscheduled postpartum hysterectomies. Southern Medical Association 95th Annual Scientific Assembly, Nashville, Tennessee. First Place Award in Paper competition for the section on Gynecology and Obstetrics. November 2001.
  • Tolaymat LL*, Maher JE, Kleinman GE, Steele DM. The Role of Antepartum Fetal Board Meeting In Developing Management Plans in Pregnancies Complicated by Fetal Anomalies. Southern Medical Association 92nd Annual Scientific Assembly Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. November 1998.

Regional Conferences: Refereed Oral Presentations

  • Tolaymat L, Gonzalez-Quintero VH. MMP’s, Can they be measured non-invasively in cervicovaginal mucous?” 28th Southeastern Conference on Perinatal Research, Key Largo, Florida. February 2004.
  • Tolaymat L. Outcome of pregnancies complicated by diabetes, gestational and pregestational. William A. Little Obstetrical and Gynecological Society 24th Annual Meeting, Key Biscayne, Florida. May 2002.
  • Tolaymat L, Gonzalez-Quintero VH, O’Sullivan M. Cervical length at term, a predictor of spontaneous labor. 26th Southeastern Conference on Perinatal Research, Key Largo, Florida. February 2002.
  • Tolaymat L, Gonzalez-Quintero VH, Rich M, Tolaymat S, Beydoun S. “Morbidity of Unscheduled Postpartum Hysterectomies”. Southern Medical Association Annual Meeting, November 2001.
  • Tolaymat L, Gonzalez-Quintero VH, Martin D, O’Sullivan M. Prenatal Diagnosis of Choroid Plexus Cyst, Does it warrant an Amniocentesis? 25th Southeastern Conference on Perinatal Research, Key Largo, Florida. February 2001.
  • Tolaymat L, Gonzalez-Quintero VH, Martin D. The effect of Volume of extruded Abdominal Contents in Fetal Gastroschisis and Neonatal Outcome. 24th Southeastern Conference on Perinatal Research, Key Largo, Florida. February 2000.
  • Tolaymat LL*, Maher JE, Kleinman GE, Steele DM. “The Role of Antepartum Fetal Board Meeting in Developing Management Plans in Pregnancies Complicated by Fetal Anomalies.” Southern Medical Association Annual Meeting, Nov 1998.

National Conferences: Refereed Poster Presentations

  • Tolaymat L, Gonzalez-Quintero VH, Austin J, Gordon G, Malee M. Can matrix metalloproeeinases be detected in cervicovaginal mucous? Society Gynecological Investigation Annual meeting, Los Angeles, California, March 2005.
  • Tolaymat L, Gonzalez-Quintero VH, Gomez O, O’Sullivan MJ, Gutierrez A, Martin D. The length of the cervix and the risk of spontaneous labor at term. Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine 23rd Annual meeting, January 2003.
  • Tolaymat L, Gonzalez-Quintero VH, O’Sullivan MJ. Cervical Length at 37-40 weeks: can it predict mode of delivery? American College of Obstetricians Gynecologists 50th Annual meeting, Los Angeles, California. May 2002.
  • Tolaymat L, Gonzalez-Quintero VH, Cabrera M, Martin D, O’Sullivan MJ. Outcome of fetuses with choroid plexus cyst: a case control study. American College of Obstetricians Gynecologists 50th Annual meeting, Los Angeles, California. May 2002.
  • Tolaymat L, Gonzalez-Quintero V, Diro M, Gomez-Marin O, Duthley L, O’Sullivan M. Morbidity, a comparison of diabetic and non-diabetic women. American College of Obstetricians Gynecologists 49th Annual meeting, April 2001.
  • Garas T*, Roscoe J*, Tolaymat L, Martin D. Perinatal Morbidity: a comparison of vacuum delivery and spontaneous delivery. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 49th Annual Meeting, April 2001.
  • Izquierdo LA, Gonzalez-Quintero VH, Tolaymat L, Martin D, Guillaime J, Haghadesh M, Ossit J, Nicholas M, O’Sullivan MJ. The value of repeat fetal echocardiography in insulin dependent diabetics. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida. March 2001.
  • Tolaymat L, Gonzalez-Quintero V, Emko N*, Gomez O, Luke B, O’Sullivan M. Twins: Cerclage or No Cerclage? Society of Maternal-Fetal Medicine 21st Annual meeting, Reno, Nevada. February 2001.
  • Tolaymat L, Gonzalez-Quintero V, Tolaymat S*, Emko N*, Gomez-Marin O, O’Sullivan M. Complications in gestational and pre-gestational diabetic women. Society of Maternal-Fetal Medicine21st Annual Meeting, Reno, Nevada. February 2001.
  • Tolaymat LL*, Sontag B*, Brown T, Maher J, Stalnaker BL, Ripps B. Reproductive potential after methotrexate treatment of ectopic gestations in a community setting. American College of Obstetricians Gynecologists Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada. April 1997.


1992: Buchalls High School, Gainesville Florida. “ HIV/AIDS Prevention”
1994: Health Awareness Day, University of Florida. “Teenage Pregnancy”
1996: OB/GYN residents, Pensacola Florida. “Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes”
1998: Regional Perinatal Intensive Care Centers, Panama City. “GBS infections”
1999: University of Miami, Medical student class of 2001. » Prenatal Diagnosis».
1999: University of Miami, OB/GYN residents. “Management of Isoimmunization in pregnancy”
2000: William Harrington Medical Conference, Miami. “Twin Pregnancy”
2000: University of Miami. OB/GYN Board Review Course. “Isoimmunization in Pregnancy”
2000: University of Miami. ON/GYN Board Review Course. “ Twin Pregnancy”
2000: William Harrington Medical Conference, Miami. “Pre-eclampsia”
2001: University of Miami. OB/GYN Board Review Course. “Isoimmunization in Pregnancy”
2002: University of Miami. OB/GYN Grand Rounds. “Beyond the Bishop Score”


Journal of Society of Gynecologic Investigators, 2005-2012

Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2004-Present

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2000-Present


Golden Apple Award 2010

UF Health Science Center/Jacksonville Research Day May 21, 2009. Judge for poster Presentations. 2009

Golden Apple Award 2009

Best Free Communication at the 18th world Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, August 2008. Chicago, USA

University of Florida College of Medicine Exemplary teacher of 2007

First prize, oral presentation at SMA annual convention 2001

Magna Cum Laude, President’s List 1988 and 1990

Dean’s List 1991

University Scholarship for Academic Achievement – 1988-1991

Who’s Who Among students in American Universities and Colleges – 1990-1991

Chemistry Student of the Year – 1990-1991


  1. Cervical Length to Rule Out Labor. University of Florida College of Medicine, Dean’s Grant, 2009.
  1. A Hands-on Training for first Trimester Obstetric Ultrasound for OB/GYN Residents for OB/GYN Residents for University of Florida College of Medicine. Abstract Poster Presentation at Advances in Medical Education 2008, April 24th
  1. Developed a Web-based Ultrasound Curriculum for OB-GYN Residents for University of Florida College of Medicine Chapman Education Center (COMCEC). Award period 08/01/05-6/1/06.
  1. Luis Sanchez-Ramos, MD, (sub investigators) Lama Tolaymat, MD, Isaac Delke, MD. UF Research: Protocol Number: COL-1620-301 A Phase I, Study to Assess the Pre- and Post-Dose Progesterone Level in Pregnant Women Receiving Prochieve 8% Progesterone Gel for the Prevention of Preterm Delivery WIRB 2006 028
  1. Cervical Length as a Predictor for Spontaneous Labor. American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologist 2001 Special Project Award for District IV. Award period March 30, 2001-March 29, 2002.

Other Funding

Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine Mini-Sabbatical 2008. First recipient. Training in Chorionic Villus Sampling. September 2008- January 2009.


CMS Physician Review Committee since 2002- current.

Resident Curriculum Supervision Committee, University of Florida, Jacksonville. Department of OB/GYN.

University of Florida College of Medicine Research Day Committee. Judge in 2009.

AIUM reviewer for Manuscripts. 2015- current.

On line publications

  1. Vaginal Discharge Causes and Treatment. GoodHousekeeping. November 2015
  1. Normal Vagina. Elite Daily. February 2016

On line appearances

Putting Patients First, Orlando Style Magazine. December 2015. Page 69

Copyright © Sunshine Perinatology